To duplicate crafting materials and weapons, enter another player's game online or through system link. Then, drop the items and weapons you want to duplicate. Once you have finished dropping the items, do not leave your inventory. Instead, press the Xbox Guide button, and choose to go to the dashboard. Next, go back into the game. You will have all of the items and weapons you dropped back in your inventory, plus all of the items and weapons you dropped will still be on the ground. Repeat this process as many times as desired. Sell the items to get as much gold as desired. Note: Sometimes the game will auto save if you drop too many items. Thus, pay attention to the top right corner of the screen to see if it auto saves. If it does, simply pick up your items and complete the mission to get the game to auto save with your inventory intact. Then, try the exploit again.
Play "The Legacy Of Cain - Explore Cellar" quest in Act I. Take the waypoint to The Old Ruins and go north, then east. Go down the cellar to encounter a named mob (Captain Daltyn) and his minions. Kill him for at least one magic item and some coins. Loot the cauldron for at least one health potion. Talk to Leah for quest completion experience and gold. A loot chest also appears 40% of the time. Exit and repeat as many times as desired. The pathway will never change, but you will keep hearing a Tristram Militia whining about how he promised to save Marko but did not.
Diablo 3 360 Save Editor
When you enter an area that gives you a life potion or chest, collect them, then save and quit the game. When you resume your saved game, the area you clicked on to get the previous potion will always give you another potion. Note: Another chest may not always appear. If there is no chest, quit the game again. When you resume the game again, most of the time another chest will appear, and the treasure will vary from an item to gold, or both.
Experience gear can cut your play time by a lot, but you must keep upgrading your gear or else the bonus experience will not be enough for your current level. Having multiple sets of experience gear every few levels will help. However, you do not actually need full sets, just a few pieces to make a difference on your next character. Additionally, if you are running out of space and do not want to upgrade your shared stash, you can keep them by creating a few extra characters and passing the gear to them using the shared stash. This will also save you money, but it is recommended you eventually upgrade your shared stash to avoid wasting time moving items between characters.
Development Hell is a hidden area in the game. During the "A Shattered Crown" quest in Act I on the Nightmare or harder difficulty, choose the part where you have to open the gate. Go to the Cemetery Of The Forsaken, and check all the crypt names. There are three areas named Defiled Crypt you can enter, one of which has the quest goal. When entering one of the crypts, there is a random chance it will instead take you to Development Hell. If none of the crypts take you to Development Hell, save and quit the game. Resume the saved game, and repeat this process until one of the crypts are Development Hell. In Development Hell, the normal Risen Dead enemies are named after the Diablo 3 development team, with their descriptions being their job title. The game director, Jay Wilson, is an elite monster, and killing him grants the hidden Feat Of Strength achievement "Smash! Jay, Smash!" along with a Banner Sigil.
Warning: Sometimes the game will auto save if you drop too many items, so keep an eye on the top right corner of the screen to see if it tries to auto save on you! If it does, just pick up your items and finish a mission to get the game to auto save with your inventory. Then try the above cheat steps again.
By Ferry Groenendijk: He is the founder and editor of Video Games Blogger. He loved gaming from the moment he got a Nintendo with Super Mario Bros. on his 8th birthday. Learn more about him here and connect with him on Twitter, Facebook and at Google+.
Played Diablo III on the PS3, but want to pick up and slay with Ultimate Evil Edition on the Xbox One? No problem! Previously mowed down some demons on the Xbox 360, but are now looking to cull hordes of renegade angels on the PS4? We've got you covered. The process of transferring your saved data is simple, and we've included a step-by-step guide below to get you started.
Success! The game will automatically check for a cloud save or local save on the system and load it, if one exists. (Note: If you are using online storage for PS3, please be sure to download your saved data first.)
After tracking down your Xbox 360 and booting it up for what's likely the first time in a while, head on over to the Settings menu. From there, go into the System category and then choose Storage. From there, you should be able to view all of the games and saves on your console's hard drive.
Once you are on the menu mentioned above, choose the storage device that most of your saves are on. Xbox 360 models typically have 8 to 256 Gigabytes of storage internally but also support expandable storage. Check whatever storage you have on your system and find the game saves, and click on whichever backward compatible Xbox 360 game you're looking to retrieve save files from.
If your save transfer worked, you should be able to access these games right from where your saved left off and finish them while experiencing the enhancements that playing it on Xbox Series X or S instead of an Xbox 360 brings.
Today's Null Byte covers a simple, universal way that you can hack your game saves. However, some game saves cannot be hacked easily, because the developers will sometimes put encryption in place to prevent gamers from modifying online stats and other global statistics.
well if it can help, I wanted to change the hex of my location in my skyrim's 360 save to be able of putting me into the testinghall (which you can normally acces with the pc by typing coc qasmoke )... for what you told me, I did I do that exactly ?
Then load the game up again with the same file and try not to make ANY changes to the game OTHER than what you are trying to tweak (which could be hard to do) but say get an extra 100 bucks and do nothing else.. save the game in the same spot.
This modding tool is for editing your items, gold, materials, gear, and stats for your Diablo 3 characters (heroes) and profile (account). Developed primarily for PS4 and Nintendo Switch for modding seasonal saves. Based on D3Studio by TonicBox.
This is the most popular editor for creating and sharing D3 modded PS4 saves to download and resign, usually for people who bought Save Wizard. If you don't have Save Wizard or a jailbroken PS4 and would like YOUR PS4/PS5 save to be modded (and keep your heroes!), you may purchase on my Discord - or join just to chat! Click below:
Jordan is an editor for Android Police and a technology enthusiast. He writes frequently, both professionally and as a hobby, loving the process of putting pen to paper... or fingers to a keyboard. Beyond tech journalism, Jordan enjoys writing fiction and spending many of his free seconds world-building for his novels. He also fills his time with video games (like Overwatch), staying fit, and ignoring his house cat. 2ff7e9595c