The PC version of Fate/stay night [Réalta Nua] is based on the PlayStation 2 port, and unlike the original Fate/stay night, the three routes in the PC version of Réalta Nua are divided between three separate episodes with their own executables, starting with the Fate route released on December 23, 2011 through This version also has the adult content from the original game removed, altering some of the game's story scenes to reflect these changes, however, it also features the new content that was previously exclusive to the PlayStation 2 version prior to this PC port. See this FAQ post from the Réalta Nua English Patch tumblr for content differences. This game, as well as its subsequent re-releases on PlayStation Vita, iOS, and Android was never released outside of Japan. Unfortunately, for reasons unknown, the PC version of Fate/stay night [Réalta Nua] is no longer being distributed from
Fate Stay Night English Patch Download
Despite the game not being available outside of Japan, fan-made English patches are available for the game, one that can simply translate the PC version of Réalta Nua into English, while the other, in essence, provides the best of all worlds from the original Fate/stay night and its later re-releases.
Is it posible for me to get around having to insert the disk, or do i have to inport first. Just asking, and thanks for doing this for the fans of fate/stay night. Chances are it wont ever be released in the states and its nice to be able to play it(even if i have yet to play it, but im sure its good). Thats all i need to know thanks
I have Fate/Stay Night downloaded on my computer with the english patch on. I was wondering how to get it onto ONScripter because in the "Fate" folder there is no arc.nsa , arc.sar , or nscript.dat / 0.txt. So can someone tell me how to get those files please. --Ilikehax 07:54, 7 July 2012 (CEST)