Before making a name for themselves with The Matrix, the Wachowskis wrote a script for the wackiest DC character around: Plastic Man. As expected, it was a bonkers idea, bursting with comedy and possibly Keanu Reeves as the lead, but one that many fans would've paid good money to see. Unfortunately, the script never made it past the pages it was typed on.
The Last Czarnian Cbr 150
Barbatos' rise to power forced the Monitor to generate a race of controller, the Fuginauts, which could ensure that anything and anyone from the Dark Multiverse could invade the Orrery of Worlds, infecting the positive realities with their corruption. In the modern days, Tempus Fuginaut is one of the last defender of the Multiverse's walls against the darkness of the Dark Multiverse, always checking on the nightmare realities.
The entity released from the Mirrored Room has accomplished its goal and is erasing the Multiverse and all of existence once and for all. In a last-ditch effort, using all his willpower, John Stewart saves what friends he can. Trapped in a construct bubble, the team works to formulate a plan of action, but is it too late? Is this the end of the Justice League?
Wiz: Enter the planet Czarnia, once the brightest beacon of peace and happiness in the universe until its inhabitants were annihilated by a biological catastrophe, leaving only one survivor, the last son of Czarnia: Lobo.
Boomstick: His favorite is his enormous hooked chain. But when his job takes him across the universe, he hops on his Spacehog, a customized SpazFrag666, which has automatic machine guns, responds to his whistle, can fly fast enough to escape black holes, and blasts (singing) Born to be wild! Wait wait wait, how can he sing in the vacuum of space?
Lobo fires the gun at Zarathos, who replies by launching a blast of hellfire at the Main Man before the gun's blast fires right through his chest. The hellfire blast hits Lobo and causes an explosion visible from space which obliterates most of West China. The camera zooms back to Earth as Lobo's spirit emerges from the ashes.
BlackfireBackground informationFirst episode"Sisters"VoiceHynden Walch (English)Mayumi Asano (Japanese)Edwidge Lemoine (French)Adriana Torres (Brazilian Portuguese)Anna Sroka (Polish only in "Sisters")Agnieszka Kunikowska (Polish only in "Betrothed")Melanie Henríquez (Latin American Spanish)Character informationReal nameKomand'rOther namesPrincess Komand'r
Blackfire (English name)
Blazin' B (by Beast Boy)
Sister (by Starfire)
SpeciesTamaraneanAffiliationsGordanians (formerly)GoalTo become much stronger and more powerful than StarfireExact revenge upon her little sisterRule all of Tamaran with an iron fistGet rid of her sister at any lengths to obtain great power (all failed)Place of originTamaranRelativesStarfire (younger sister)Wildfire (younger brother)Galfore (surrogate/adoptive father)Myand'r (father; deceased)Luand'r (mother; deceased)Glgrdsklechhh (husband)AlliesGordaniansGlgrdsklechhhMadame RougePowers and abilitiesInterstellar flight
Ultraviolet energy projection (colored light lilac)
Black-bolt blasts
Black-bolt shields
Black-bolt beams
Black-bolt bursts
Black-bolt waves
Black-bolt eye beams
Superhuman strength
Limited invulnerability
Superhuman durability
Superhuman agility
Superhuman reflexes
Superhuman condition
Radiation immunity
Cold resistance
Extended longevity
Slowed aging process
Language assimilation (via lip contact)
Master manipulator
Mastery of deception and subterfuge
Enhanced combat
Expertise in alien martial arts
WeaponsJewel of Charta (later destroyed) 2ff7e9595c